Snoring is the vibration of respiratory structures and the resulting sound, due to obstructed air movement during breathing while sleeping. The sound may be soft or loud and unpleasant. Snoring is known to cause sleep deprivation to both the snorer and those who hear him/her, as well as knock-on effects: daytime drowsiness, irritability, lack of focus, decreased libido. It has also been suggested that it can cause significant psychological and social damage to sufferers.
Sleep apnoea is a condition that interrupts your breathing when you are asleep. This is usually caused by an obstruction blocking the back of the throat so that the air cannot reach your lungs. The cessation of breathing automatically forces you to wake up in order to start breathing again. This can happen many times during the night, making it hard for your body to get enough oxygen, and preventing you from obtaining enough good quality sleep.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Tips on Finding the Right Snore Stop Mouth Piece

You may be at a point where your snoring has become a major issue for you and your partner and you are considering various stop snoring remedies, treatments, or devices. You may be considering a snore stop mouth piece, but you don't want to spend a lot of money on something that may not work, and you have a lot of questions. Do mouth pieces work? How do they work? How effective are they? Are they uncomfortable to wear? How much do they cost?

Mouth pieces, or mandibular advancement splints, their official name, work by moving the jaw slightly forward so that the airway isn't blocked during sleep. Some devices also hold the tongue forward slightly, since it often slides to the back of the mouth during sleep, obstructing the airway and causing snoring.

A stop snoring mouth piece is effective for controlling snoring - depending on what is causing you to snore. Studies have shown that 85 percent of the users of these devices have reduced the sound of their snoring. Additionally, 76 percent of users reported that they snored fewer nights per week.

In general, mouth pieces aren't uncomfortable to wear. It may take a night or two to adjust to something in your mouth, but the most common side effects are a slightly dry mouth and excessive salivation.

They can be pricey, since most of these devices are only available via prescription through your dentist. Costs, including exams, fittings, and the device itself, can run to several hundred dollars.

Here are a couple of tips to help you determine if a mouth piece is right for you and how to find the right one.

Determine what is causing you to snore

Not all snoring is the same, and it's unlikely you can determine the cause of your snoring since you're asleep! You can go to a sleep center or a medical professional, but this will cost some money. You can ask you partner to help you figure out why you snore, since he or she will probably be awake anyway, because of your snoring. What is your general body position? Is your mouth open? How is your head positioned on your pillow? If you are snoring through your mouth, then you are likely a candidate for a mouth piece.

Try a less expensive alternative to the prescription devices

Even if you believe a stop snoring mouth piece will work for you, hundreds of dollars is quite a commitment. You can get non-prescription "boil and bite" soft plastic devices that you soak in hot water to soften and then bite into to mold to your jaw. Athletic mouthpieces are also inexpensive, but a little more substantial than the soft plastic "boil and bites".

If you are comfortable with one of these solutions and you find that you wake rested - and your partner confirms you are snoring less, then you might consider spending the money and go to a dentist to get a custom fitted snore stop mouth piece.

Autor: Hal Hendricks

Get a free stop snoring mini-course, filled with tips and advice, at The Stop Snoring Center. For additional information on discovering why you snore, Click Here.

Added: July 4, 2010

Friday, July 2, 2010

Will a Stop Snoring Mouth Guard Work for You?

Snoring really sucks, both for you and your partner. Your partner is kept awake by your snoring. You often wake up tired instead of refreshed and ready for the day. You've finally decided to take some steps to stop your snoring, but with all the devices, treatments, and remedies on the market you aren't really sure how to proceed. You've seen ads for mouthpieces, but you don't know how a stop snoring mouth guard works or if it will work for you.

Before you drop the coin for a mouth guard, or "mandibular advancement splint" as it is properly called, you need to determine what is causing you to snore. You may be nose snoring so a mouth guard won't do you any good. You can go to a sleep center, or a medical professional, but these will cost you some money. Enlisting your partner's aid in noting your body position, mouth position, and head position when you snore might be all the help you need to find out why you are snoring.

How does a mouth piece work?

There are a lot of mouth guards to choose from, but they all do essentially the same thing. They move the jaw forward slightly to keep your airway open while you sleep. Some also hold the tongue forward slightly to keep it from blocking your airway.

How effective is it?

As with anything in life, your experience will be unique. With that said, studies have shown that 85 percent of the participants experienced a reduction in snoring noise. In the same study 76 percent of the participants said they snored fewer nights. Some people experience a dry mouth and some experience excessive salivation, but side effects and discomfort are minimal.

What does it cost?

This is not an easy question to answer since costs do vary, but your friendly FDA has made most mandibular advancement splints available by prescription only, through your dentist. These can run into the multi-hundreds for the examination, fitting, and the appliance itself.

If you want to try a mouth guard but don't want to drop hundreds of dollars without some assurance it will work for you, you can find inexpensive "boil and bite" devices available without prescription. These are made of soft plastic that you soften in hot water and then bite into, molding it to your jaw. Athletic mouthpieces might also be a solution for you.

If one of these solutions works for you, then you might want to consider a custom-fitted, prescription stop snoring mouth guard to further reduce your snoring. You do have options. You can cure your snoring, and you and your partner can both enjoy restful nights' sleep.

Autor: Hal Hendricks

Get a free stop snoring mini-course filled with tips and advice at The Stop Snoring Center. For additional information on snoring causes and how it affects your health, Click Here.

Added: July 3, 2010

Saturday, June 26, 2010

What Causes Snoring and Simple and Easy Steps to Stop It

Finding out what causes snoring can lead one to knowing what is the best remedy or treatment for it. Snoring can have serious and adverse affects not only on one's health but as well as one's relationship with his or her partner. It can great affect the quality and quantity of your sleep so it should not be taken as a joke or laughing matter.

2 Major Causes of Snoring

1. Blocking of the nasal air passages. Snoring occurs when the soft palate and the uvula vibrates. The vibrating sound is produced when the nasal air passages become obstructed. These can be caused by anatomic factors like large tonsils, bulky neck tissues or enlarged tongue. That is why, people suffering from colds or flu tend to snore louder since they have swollen tonsils that block the air passages.

2. Over relaxation and reduced tone of the muscles in the throat area. The more relax the muscles are, the greater is the likelihood of snoring happening. Moreover, the decrease of muscle tone in the tissues of the throat can also lead to snoring. That is why, it is no surprise that people tend to snore louder as they get older. This is because the upper airway becomes more floppy and less resilient as people ages.

6 Simple Steps to Prevent Snoring

1. Change your sleeping habits. If you are a snorer, it is advisable to sleep on your side. Lying on your back can aggravate the situation since that position tends to over relax the muscles in the throat area. In addition, try to sleep on a firm mattress in a well-ventilated room.

2. Avoid alcohols, drugs and smoking. These things and habits can produce substance that tends to relax the muscles of the body which can aggravate snoring. Smoking can produce mucus that can lead to the swelling of the muscles in the throat area.

3. Try to lose pounds if you are overweight. People who are obese or overweight have anatomic features like double chin and bulky neck tissues. These, as well as other things that involve the collection of fats can cause the blockage of the air passages.

4. Avoid fatigue and over eating before sleeping. Sheer physical exhaustion or over working can lead one to deep sleep where snoring normally happens. Over eating can cause extra load to your digestive system when you sleep.

5. There are anti-snoring devices being offered in the market like anti-snoring pillows and mouthpieces. Make sure you check their reviews first before purchasing one as they are not proven effective for every one.

6. Performing simple breathing exercises that can improve and tone the muscles in the throat area is another way to prevent snoring. There is an exercise program online that teaches you how to do it and it is definitely worth checking out.

Check out What Causes Snoring for more detailed information or visit Simple Snoring Exercises for easy methods and exercises you can perform to stop and cure snoring.

Autor: Derek A. Pascualy

Check out What Causes Snoring for more detailed information or visit How to Prevent Snoring for tips and tricks you can do to stop and cure snoring.

Added: June 27, 2010