Snoring is the vibration of respiratory structures and the resulting sound, due to obstructed air movement during breathing while sleeping. The sound may be soft or loud and unpleasant. Snoring is known to cause sleep deprivation to both the snorer and those who hear him/her, as well as knock-on effects: daytime drowsiness, irritability, lack of focus, decreased libido. It has also been suggested that it can cause significant psychological and social damage to sufferers.
Sleep apnoea is a condition that interrupts your breathing when you are asleep. This is usually caused by an obstruction blocking the back of the throat so that the air cannot reach your lungs. The cessation of breathing automatically forces you to wake up in order to start breathing again. This can happen many times during the night, making it hard for your body to get enough oxygen, and preventing you from obtaining enough good quality sleep.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

CPAP Can Prevent Sleep Apnea And Snoring

Did you know that 45% of all adults snore occasionally, and 25% snore almost all the time? Men, overweight people and older adults are more likely to suffer from snoring problem. Did you know CPAP may prevent snoring and sleep apnea?

When there is a disability in the flow of air through the passages is on the back of the nose and mouth, you make snoring sounds. It is only in recent years that medical experts have discovered the negative impact of snoring and its association with sleep apnea.

There are several methods that are employed to alleviate snoring and sleep apnea, or UPPP vulopalatopharyngoplasty, or LAUP Laser Assisted Uvula Palatoplasty and CPAP, or Continuous Positive Airway Pressure all serve to reduce and eliminate the most popular snoring.

The sleep and sleep apnea CPAP is today. It works by air into your airway with a special nasal mask. The mask creates enough pressure to the flow of air, if you think that your airway is kept open. The doctors say that CPAP is the most effective non-surgical treatment is that the elimination of sleep and snoring.

It is your otolaryngologist, which will decide whether the sleep apnea CPAP device is the right treatment for you. If it is so, you have to take the nasal mask to bed per night. During the treatment, do not be surprised if your otolaryngologist prompts you to a few changes in lifestyle habits, such as exercising, losing weight, and quit if you are smoking a smoker.

Before CPAP, the treatment of snoring and sleep apnea was much more , the invasive tracheotomy, which creates a temporary opening in the trachea. Fortunately, this kind of invasive treatment is extremely rare. If sleep apnea CPAP device ordnungsgema used, it has nearly a 100% success rate in sleep apnea and snoring elimination.

CPAP is not a panacea, but a treatment. When used properly for the long-term, CPAP, sleep apnea device is capable of, all for the operation to eliminate, but the most serious cases.

Is CPAP the right solution for your snoring and sleep apnea? My otolaryngologist is the final decision, but if you suffer from severe sleep apnea and snoring, you are probably a candidate if you answer yes to these conditions�

* Does your loud snoring disrupt your family?
* Are you sleepy during the day?
* Does your snoring you awake at night?
* Is your breathing hampered often in the night?
* Are you tired in the morning?
* You wake up with headaches?

Your otolaryngologist is also your complete medical history, ask you some questions about your lifestyle and any cardiovascular conditions, it may be that suffering. They will also be asked about your current medications.

If you are a suitable candidate snoring and sleep apnea, you first have to study pressure CPAP sleep before your nasal mask. Once you have your sleep apnea device configured to your breathing, you and your mask returns home.

CPAP solves snoring and sleep for almost everyone who sleep this unique device. Maybe it is time to let all sleep easy in the house?

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