Snoring is the vibration of respiratory structures and the resulting sound, due to obstructed air movement during breathing while sleeping. The sound may be soft or loud and unpleasant. Snoring is known to cause sleep deprivation to both the snorer and those who hear him/her, as well as knock-on effects: daytime drowsiness, irritability, lack of focus, decreased libido. It has also been suggested that it can cause significant psychological and social damage to sufferers.
Sleep apnoea is a condition that interrupts your breathing when you are asleep. This is usually caused by an obstruction blocking the back of the throat so that the air cannot reach your lungs. The cessation of breathing automatically forces you to wake up in order to start breathing again. This can happen many times during the night, making it hard for your body to get enough oxygen, and preventing you from obtaining enough good quality sleep.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Yes! Snoring Is Curable with Easy and Clinically Proven Remedy

Although snoring has been around forever, for many reasons, it is an affliction that has worsened overtime within the general population of people worldwide. There is a number of complexities directly and indirectly related to the reasons for snoring to be higher population wise than ever before. There are also more gimmicks, devices, and other types of snoring resolutions than ever before, too. With so many ways being offered to stop your snoring issue, there can be confusion of what to believe in for real snoring relief, and really not knowing where to start in finding the best fitting anti-snoring solution just for your individual needs.

There are numerous choices nowadays in what can be tried to stop your snoring for good. Some of these methods are better known than others, like anti-snoring remedies of herbal throat sprays, anti-snoring nasal sprays as the clinically tested Asonor, nasal strips and nose clips, just to name a few well-known methods with a good reputation for positive ending results, e.g. Asonor.

There are also anti-snoring pills and liquid drops, along with specially made contour pillows, for better neck positioning throughout the night. People that snore are also advised to find ways in keeping their body's sleeping on the side throughout the night or raising the head end of the bed up by 3 or 4 inches. These are all very affective methods that work well for some of those that snore, but not all snorers.

Just like the many individual causes of snoring, there are also individual methods that will work for some, but not others. Half of finding your snoring resolution is done by trial and error with finding the best method specifically for your snoring issue. By starting with the process of elimination of bad contributing habits of alcohol consumption, smoking and over indulging in foods will make a huge difference in curbing a snoring problem for some. It is best to combine several trial and error methods together, and that will work well for many snorers, but some individuals may need extra help beyond the more common methods.

There are some snorers that might have better anti-snoring results with one of the mouth piece variations, usually specifically fitted to your mouth size and shape. There is more than one type of dental devices that can be worn during the night to stop your problem of snoring. While some of these dental appliances are worn within your mouth, there are others that will be properly adjusted around your head, mouth and chin areas. No matter which type is chosen, they are all ever so slightly resetting the jaw position for better nightly breathing. Some of them may go a little further in also positioning your tongue so to keep it from relaxing and falling back toward your throat while sleeping.

If all of the other anti-snoring remedies have failed you in resolving your snoring problem, there are a number of surgery variations that are now being offered. For some, there may only need to be the proceeded of throat stretching, but this is often only a temporary solution, especially if over weight. There are also removing of the tonsils, removal of inner excessive throat tissue, and even palate implants, just to name a few different surgical procedures. Although surgery may be the resolution to someone's snoring problem, it always best to save all surgery options for a last resort due to the dangers related to any form of surgery.

Autor: Renee Moller

Renee Moller writes articles on health care related topics including how to stop snoring quickly and easily and FREE snoring treatments

Added: January 29, 2009

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

How your skin and weight is affected by snoring.

Snoring can be an infliction in the mildest of forms, or even just a temporary sleeping problem. But there are also those individuals whose snoring can be at the highest range in loudness. This is the type of snoring to be the most damaging, and will cause the nighttime to be a painfully torturous event every night, unless something is quickly done about it. The problem of sleep deprivation quickly come calling after only a few days of not sleeping appropriately. Living with a snoring spouse can truly make any person hard to be around during the daytime of working or anything else. In fact, obnoxious nightly snoring can be much harder on the person living with the snorer, than the one that is doing the snoring!

There are a huge amount of issues pertaining to the after affects for everyone that is regularly snoring, and this is especially true for those that are nightly exposed to the snoring. Anyway you cut it, snoring is bad for your health and your looks too! When examining the health issues, for the snoring individuals, some of the health risks that are now known are tendencies to be heightened cases of strokes, heart diseases, higher risks in daily accidents from the sleep deprivation, and even erectile dysfunction for the male gender of snorers. All of these health issues are found to be true for the one's trying to sleep with a person that snores nightly and these bad health problems are completely due to the lack of the needed proper required amount in sleep.

If the health issues do not make action happen in your home within the relations to snoring, then the outer aging in looks should get your attention. The other known factor about individuals that snoring and those that have to be driven crazy by it, very quickly starts to suffer a crisis with their outer looks. This happens much quicker than their inner body aging will happen, when there is an in-efficient proper amount of regular sleep that our bodies really need. There will be black circles under the eyes, puffiness all around eyes and the face, along with an overall skin shagginess of the facial and neck area.

The tiredness that shows in your face will only progress into wrinkles and even excessive weight gain, due to the stress of constant inadequate sleep. There can soon become a sullen depression that alternates between several different mood swings. Basically, there is a chaos that sets in, along with daily mishaps and accidents. Sleeplessness from snoring or because of any other reason for that matter is a very serious threat to the human existence, because sleep is how our bodies and minds are reset in a rejuvenating manner.

The human body just will not function correctly without good solid 6 to 8 hour a nights of sleep. The more studies that are done on snoring and sleep are finding more evidence all the time, as to how bad snoring is for everyone that does it and has to try getting any rest while being around it. So take the time to resolve in snoring problems in your home, a life without snoring can make everyone involved to look younger and feel better!

Autor: Renee Moller

To learn how to stop snoring quickly and easily and FREE snoring treatments

Added: January 27, 2009

Sunday, January 25, 2009

How to Fall Asleep Quickly and Naturally

, now more than ever, people with a difficult time going to bed at the right time. But why? Why can not you just sleep? If this sounds like you will be ready a few comments. The following tips should help you fall asleep right definitely.

Get Comfortable:

How are you will fall asleep if you are not well? Make sure that everything you have to do is necessary, the care of before you go to bed.

Are you hungry?

You need to use the toilet?

Is it quiet enough for you?

If you have enough pillows and blankets to keep you comfortable and warm?

It is important that all your needs are before you to go to bed, because otherwise do so can be quite a challenge.

your mind:

This is one of the best tips that you get. If you want to fall asleep quickly and effortlessly, then this is an absolute must. Many people have different techniques that are good for them. However, if you do not know of any of these techniques, then I would definitely recommend either

Counting Sheep

counting from 1 to 1000

deep breathing.

by clearing the head, you're a policy, for resting. So, you are with themselves and a better chance to sleep more quickly and easily.

conclusion Natural Sleeping methods - learn how to fall asleep quickly may take some time. Just continue to keep until you really know what you to the inability to efficiently and effectively asleep. When you finally to your new designs and strategies, asleep, of course, much more.


My name is Taylor Thompson and I once had a difficult time falling asleep until I began to follow my How to Fall Asleep Easily tips. Now I am getting more sleep than ever before.

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Friday, January 23, 2009

How to Stop Snoring - 10 Tips For a Better Night's Sleep

If you have a history of snoring, then you will know how important it is for a good sleep. Using these tips can stop snoring yourself a better night's sleep, and so can your bed mate.

1. Avoid alcohol before bedtime. It causes your muscles to relax too much, and increases the chance that your airway is blocked.

2. Try to sleep on your side or stomach instead of back. If you tend to roll on the back, try sewing a tennis ball into the back of your PJs.

3. Do not eat before bed, especially large meals. A full stomach may press on the diaphragm and the breathing is difficult.

4. Quit smoking. Smoke irritates the lining of the throat and makes it swell up. If you can not stop, try to avoid cigarettes before bedtime.

5. Try to lose weight. Weight loss alone is snoring in many people.

6. If snacking in the evening to milk products, can the mucous in the throat.

7. Raise the level of your bed. As the head of your bed is higher you can use your snoring.

8. Try using a humidifier when you sleep. Some essential oils also help to open your airways so that you snore less.

9. Buy some anti-snoring nasal strips. This work by giving your nose and respiratory tract, efforts to reduce the breathing during the night.

10. Try it with a stop snoring mouthpiece, the repositioning of your jaw to increase airflow into the lungs.

Please do not forget to talk to your doctor about other snoring remedies. There are some treatments that must be made to work.


At you can purchase a snoring mouthpiece as a low cost and effective method to stop snoring. They are a proven snoring cure that has helped people sleep peacefully and wake up feeling refreshed. You no longer have to be tired throughout your day or wake up countless times during the night because of snoring.

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Monday, January 19, 2009

Snoring Implant Surgery

There are several treatment methods available today to get rid of snoring. There are areas of products from herbal homeopathic claim that, in order to be successful for the problem.

If you go to sleep, the muscles in your body to relax. The muscles in your neck also have the same tendency. As you doze, the airway in the throat of muscle relaxation. It is customary that the smaller streets breathing during sleep. When these air passages are satisfied with extra blockades, snoring happens.

The air flowing through the nose and throat, tissue blocks, the vibrations of the soft palate, the tonsils, throat and the uvula. In some cases, natural herbs treat the blockade - or other treatments such as acupressure and magnet therapy - but in some cases not all of these treatments, and one has to examine surgery.

It should not be forgotten that the snoring implant surgery is the last option, you should choose. Before going for an operation you should try other methods that are available to get rid of snoring. In snoring implant surgery, the surgeon can polyester. Do not panic. Yes, it is the same polyester used in all types of clothing, home textiles and as a strengthening of the fiber in tires, belts and hoses, as well as many medical devices and materials.

The snoring implant consists of three parts of polyester yarn with less than a centimeter long. You are in the soft palate on the roof of the mouth. They prompt the tissue to increase and thus the "flutter", which was the main culprit in the snoring sound. The snoring implant does not involve heating or removing tissue. This minimizes the pain and any kind of swelling, the patient is in surgery. It is also available.

Most patients can use the normal activities and diet shortly after the snoring implant surgery. Snoring Pillar implants are designed for invisible and should not be felt or swallowing or speech. Many patients resume normal diet and activities on the same day.

In the cases where the snoring implant surgery a local anesthetic is used. All complaints that occur after the effects of anesthesia disappears in a day or two. After the implantation of snoring snoring significantly reduced or in most cases disappears completely. It takes about two or three months before there is sufficient fibrosis around the implant to a tightening of the palate and alleviate snoring. However, if there are other factors such as nasal blockage, large tonsils, lingual hypertrophy, etc., you may need further treatment or surgery. In general, there are no side effects of snoring implants. The snoring implants are permanent, unless an extrusion line occurs. The Snoring Implants May, through the body and can easily be removed. Even if such a rejection occurs some stiffening of the palate may occur, however, and this can bring an improvement.


Mark Clayson is a professional, home business entrepreneur, mentor and speaker. Visit Start Work at Home for more information on starting or developing a home business or his official site to find out more.

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Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Sleep Apnea Snoring - A Serious Health Problem

Many people suffer from snoring. Not only the snorer, but also anyone who can sleep with or near which it is kept awake by loud noises associated with snoring, can be kept from the rest they need in the night. People snore for many different reasons, in which the throat and weakness allergies. It would be useful if a person who snores to verify whether a doctor to see if they snore because of sleep apnea, which is a serious health problem.

sleep apnea Obstructive sleep apnea

snoring can be obstructive sleep apnea. These serious medical problem should be dealt with sooner rather than later, because they can cause serious respiratory problems. People with obstructive sleep apnea will be no problems when they sleep on their side or stomach, in contrast to her back.

When the upper respiratory tract and a person experiences problems breathing for a short time, they may suffer from snoring. This may occur because of the soft tissue in the neck, soft tongue, soft palate and nasal passage blockage.

Most people with sleep apnea snore, and then routinely stop breathing for a period ten to twenty seconds. Even if this keeps them from snoring, the person wakes up gasping for air afterwards, and they must wake up to breathe.

A person suffering from sleep apnea is often unable to ensure the right amount of sleep every night that they need to stay health and updated. Snoring sleep apnea can occur between two hundred and four hundred times a night, if a person is a particularly bad case of the disease.

Fortunately there are many ways to deal with snoring. The first step will be officially diagnosed with the condition of your doctor. You can then be directed to wear a special mask at night, the decongestants or anti-histamine, or sleep in a different position. Your doctor may use a special pillow to keep you in a certain position while you sleep.

Some people have sleep apnea do not snore. People with this kind of situation should try to sleep in a sleeping environment, if this is possible. The CPAP method has also proved to be effective for many people.


Do you have a snoring problem that's keeping you or your spouse awake all night? Visit the Snoring Solutions site to learn more about how to stop snoring as well as more about the causes of snoring.

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Saturday, January 10, 2009

Are You Struggling to Fall Asleep Fast?

Insomnia is a condition that many victims from around the world. In reality, this condition is said to almost 30% of the adult population.

The interesting thing is that it generally affect women more than men. It also affects those who are older in age more than the young. Finally, it is also reported that in less affluent communities tend to have higher insomnia.

It might be concluded that stress is the most important factor - stress, however, may not be the only factor. There is no doubt that stress plays a role, and probably a substantial one.

Sleepless in informal conditions as sleep disturbances, there are many things you can do to make your sleeping patterns, so that your sleep. It is also to say that a solution for each individual.

With this said, here are a few tips to help you get some rest. The first thing you need to get food. Cut on caffeine and sugary drinks, especially before going to bed.

Do not eat heavy food, to ask your body too hard to digest, in other words, light meal a few hours before going to bed. It is also said to be wise to eat less food such as milk cheese, but warm milk can be helpful before bedtime.

exercise is also important, a short walk before bedtime can help with this you can also use some relaxation exercises and breathing exercises.

In addition to this, and try to reduce the television before going to sleep and when you do not watch TV in your room, you can sleep temporarily, but may not need the rest. If you watch TV and just try to avoid that your brain programs overly involved.

Finally, you have to wind after, before you go to bed and what you want to avoid is winding down.


Tired of not been able to get a good nights sleep? Click Here For Insomnia Help

Free Tips and techniques on how to get a good nights sleep.

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Friday, January 9, 2009

Get Your Zzz's With Vitamin D & Daylight

sunlight and vitamin D may be just the ticket to your insomnia and improve your sleeping habits. From the ABZzz sleep insomnia is free of this article focuses on the alphabet 'D'.

roll out of bed and a bit of daylight! And hopefully there is sun, in this light exposure. First, at least? Sunshine hours of daylight is one of the best ways to protect your circadian rhythm, keep in sync and help you sleep. In the early morning walk, jog or bike ride is not only good for your health, but also a positive side to sleep benefits.

What is the connection between day and night sleep? It turns out that, even to bright daylight in the early morning hours is one of the best engines for big feelings that a good day, and the support of the natural occurrence of sleep at night. Not only that, sunlight gives you a very important vitamin - vitamin D. In addition

your natural hormone melatonin, rising in the night that will help you sleep, and in the early morning hours, the melatonin levels begin to fall. One of the best ways to do this and to drop to get a good basis for the daily activity is the self-exposure to bright daylight, as soon as possible in the morning.

So, the bottom line is - let there be light! - Especially in the early days. Sneak in some sunshine, if you can. It raises your mood, increase your energy, increases productivity, improves the frame of mind, and contributes to the improvement of sleep.

Another advantage of the dramatic obtaining receives daylight sun and absorb vitamin D.

million suffer from sleep disorders and those challenges can be stress, anxiety, about caffeine, anxiety, over-stimulation and the inability to relax. But for some, insomnia can often by something as harmless, like lack of vitamin D. It is not necessary to suffer from insomnia, when a simple blood sample can be your Vitamin D and whether it is a complement or not.

course the best way to ensure the required amount of vitamin D is sunlight by daylight. It is recommended that fair skinned people 15 minutes of direct exposure, and dark-skinned people over 40 minutes of direct sunlight daily. But if you live in the northern regions, especially in winter, supplementation can easily do so. Take a vitamin D3 supplement of 1000-2000 IU daily. In addition, consider a diet rich in oily fish, broccoli, spinach, fruit and fortified milk.

What is the role of vitamin D play in our body? Vitamin D is the key in the minerals to properly absorb and metabolism in the body. It also regulates normal cell growth and promotes the function of blood glucose regulation. In addition, vitamin D in the development of healthy tissue and the regulation of the immune system.

In addition to insomnia, vitamin D deficiency may be factor in the causes of diabetes, cancer, heart disease, rickets and other bone diseases, osteoporosis and depression.

Sometimes cure insomnia can be as simple as your vitamin D in their blood. With the right light exposure and regular complement, having trouble falling asleep and staying asleep can be a thing of the past.


Now, get the complete FREE 65-pg. EBook - the ABZzz's of Sleeping Insomnia Free at The Spirit of Sleep. Simply follow the alphabet and learn how you can improve your sleep. Glenda Sparling, author & sleep coach, offers effective tools & techniques for eliminating sleep anxiety and addresses the challenges surrounding sleep issues & insomnia at The Spirit of Sleep.

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Thursday, January 8, 2009

Tips For Getting a Good Night's Sleep

After Fadia (2002), we all need to sleep and rest restorative Here are some good sleep hygiene tips, in order to sleep, you will need.

Set a schedule: Go to bed at the same time every night and wake up at the same time every morning. Disturb your sleep schedule can cause sleep disturbances and difficulty unable to sleep regularity. For example, sleeping in on weekends will sleep cycle and makes it harder to wake up to your desired time on Monday morning.

Exercise: Try to exercise 20 to 30 minutes per day. To use exercise will benefit you sleep, exercise 5-6 hours before bedtime. This will optimize your sleep cycle. Even if you do not want to exercise close to bedtime, because it can sleep.

Avoid caffeine, nicotine and alcohol: Avoid beverages containing caffeine, because it is a stimulant and keeps people awake. It is important to know what foods and drinks containing caffeine. They are: chocolate, soft drinks, coffee, herbal teas and not. Also drugs and nutritional nodoze contain caffeine and some painkillers. Users like nicotine smokers and chewers sleep easier than non-users, and waking up in the early morning hours of nicotine withdrawal. They sleep usually lighter stages of sleep and not in deep sleep. The same goes for alcohol. Alcohol robs people of the deeper stages of sleep and REM sleep. So they remain in the lighter stages of sleep. The result is not restorative sleep.

Relax before bedtime: in a bedtime ritual. For example, read something relaxing or a warm bath. A warm bath about 45 minutes before bedtime can easily fall asleep, because it cools the body prepares for sleep.

Wake up with the morning sun: Waking up in the morning and let the sun for over an hour per day. This will contribute to the body of the biological clock and help you sleep at night.

Do not Lie in Bed Awake: If you find that you do not sleep, get up and something else. Perhaps read or listen to relaxing music, then try to sleep. Try to avoid TV, as the light from the TV may cause you to remain awake. Our beds are for sleep and sex only. Make your bedroom a place of rest and relaxation.

the room: to a comfortable temperature in the bedroom. Extreme temperatures can disrupt sleep.

a doctor if sleep problem: If you are still unable to ensure a good night and sleep when you are tired during the day, then you have a sleep disorder and should be sleeping specialist. Talk to your doctor! There are treatments for a variety of sleep disorders. Do not allow your sleep, with your life. Poor sleep can affect your work and your personal relationships. They deserve the best. Call your doctor.


Fadia, V. (2002). insomnia, sleep apnea, narcolepsy. Homestead Schools, Inc: California


Barry Aneda is a National Certified Counselor and a Licensed Associate Counselor working with our GLBTQ community in the field of Addictions and HIV/AIDS.

For more information you can reach him at Then, in order to visit his virtual office, simply click the link titled Visit My Virtual office.

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Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Why I Had Insomnia

Too many people take for granted asleep. Too many people go to bed every night, without question, as long as they throw, and then without sleeping. Too many people in their pajamas each night and close your eyes and go to sleep.

You can view but not to the people, is not it?

for people like us, the onset is a task to which the most dreaded time of the day.

I sleep well. When I was a child and in most of my life, I could quickly fall asleep and I stayed all night sleep. But a few years ago, that all came to an end. That is, if I call from the hospital told me that my parents were both very ill. That's when my insomnia started.

The hospital told me I needed to get fast, my father was dying and my mother was adopted by a severe case of flu, had dementia and not take care of itself. As a result, I found myself in this night, and many of the night after, throwing and shooting. Sometimes I would wake up frequently through the night, because in my opinion, simply can not stop. If this happened, my lack of sleep has a negative influence me. Soon I found myself tossing and turning as I stayed awake all night, not to sleep, to clarify what I do with my mother and all the other things I had left to handle. I have myself to wake up so tired that it was difficult to make decisions, or the everyday tasks I had for me. I was with a severe case of insomnia.

Perhaps you've experienced something like what I'm through, or even more traumatic events, and it is your insomnia. Maybe you have not been able to sleep.

I thought it was normal, not able to sleep properly with so much stress. I do not think anything of it. What surprised me, but after my mother died and the burden of taking care of it went ... I'm still not sleeping properly. I was an Insomniac.

I would normally be close to an hour to sleep and no matter what time I went to sleep, I woke up to the dawn. As soon as the first rays of the sun take my eyes, I was awake. I could not do anything, I would sleep again.

I tried everything I could think of to a good night's sleep. At first I had to take over the counter cold medicine or sleeping, but not help. Then I went to see my doctor, and he let me pills.

The pills and worked for a while, I felt like I was in heaven. I was able to fall asleep within minutes, the pills, and I slept well throughout the night. Almost exactly 8 hours after taking the pills, I would wake up and I felt very much.

The problem was that a week later, I began to wake up feeling not so great. I found that the pills that I am sleepy all the time. I began to sleep in the night on foot and in the course of the day, I would fall asleep without warning. I was constantly either trying to me and if I did not have the pills, I could not sleep at all.

The straw that broke the camel back was when I went to a friend's house one day, and I had no recollection that it is driven. I was scared of what these pills to be done to me and I immediately flushed them all after the toilet.

I have had enough of modern treatments, I wanted a solution to my insomnia, that certainly would not hurt and my body. So I started researching and found out what worked for me. I did my insomnia to be overcome. That's where my information for my e-course, you can absolutely free!

If you can not sleep and wanted more than anything in the world to close your eyes and fall into a deep, deep sleep, I can help you. Let me give you some very good information you can use to help you cure your insomnia safely and naturally.



Wil Dieck is the founder of Total Mind Therapy, a combination of hypnosis, NLP, breathing techniques from the martial arts visualization used for goal setting. His practice is located in San Diego, California. For more information about his FREE Sleep e-Course to

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Sleep Problems Can Be Turned Into "Rock-a-Bye-Baby" Habits

Do not think of elephants?

What do you think about? Elephants, is not it?

Often I hear repeatedly customers, the state "I can not sleep." They do not realize that our brains tend to do what they hear and say, we invite the body to stay awake. There are a number of factors, the first good sleep pattern, but if a pattern is often rigid and deepened by our thinking.

According to a recent study based on the 2002 Canadian Community Healthy Survey (CCHS), an estimated 3.3 million Canadians aged 15 and older difficulties to sleep and staying asleep. The study found strong links between sleep disorders and a number of factors:

Chronic pain: More than one fifth of people with arthritis, asthma, back problems or diabetes, symptoms of insomnia. Chronic stress: 23% of the people who said her days were "extremely" stressful reported insomnia. Shift: people with a shift of the work reported higher insomnia.

obesity: Respondents whose body mass index (BMI) greater than 35 and could be as obese, experienced higher insomnia. If you have insomnia, there are a number of things you can do to make positive changes:

1. Quit saying, "I can not sleep" and start saying (confirmed) that you are a good sleeper, so that your brain can.

2. Reserve your room for sleeping and sex only. Remove televisions, computers, fitness equipment and the room serves as a sanctuary for the rest.

3. Make sure the bed and bed linen are comfortable and the room is completely darkened.

4. Move the bed to a new position in the room and the view paint and renovation, so you know, this is a new beginning in the sleep pattern.

5. Adjust the temperature so that you are not too hot or too cold. Choose sleepwear that is comfortable and allows the body temperature.

6. Protect yourself from sleep disorders. Turn the phone ringer off, doors closed, so that pets are not in the room and, if necessary, wear earplugs.

7. Develop a routine that you honor every evening. Most activities in life such as work, sports and community events have start and end times. You need a timetable for your sleep, too.

8. Limit foods before going to bed to eat and the caffeine in your diet.

9. Prepare yourself to sleep. A warm bath and /or a few minutes of reading how to replace stimulating action-packed movies, emotion-charged interviews, or financial planning before bedtime.

10. When you climb into bed to try the idea of feeling that you have in the morning if you do not want you to. Say that it's time to shut down your thinking and give you permission to relax.

If you have tried all of the above and still have problems, consult your doctor.

Much sleep!


And now I would like to invite you to claim your Free Instant Access to a complimentary list of 10 Steps to Making Your Life an Adventure when you visit

From Dr. Linda Hancock, Registered Psychologist and Registered Social Worker

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Thursday, January 1, 2009

Sleep Disorder

During normal breathing, air passes through the throat on its way to the lungs. The air travels past the soft palate, uvula, tonsils, and tongue. When a person is awake, the muscles in the back of the throat tighten to hold these structures in place preventing them from collapsing and/or vibrating in the airway. During sleep, the uvula and soft palate frequently vibrate causing the distinctive sounds of snoring.

The LAUP procedure is a laser surgical procedure designed to sequentially trim and shorten these structures, thus preventing or reducing snoring.

Risks and ComplicationsYou have the right to be informed that the surgery may involve risks of unsuccessful results, complications, or injury from both known and unforeseen causes. Because individuals vary in their tissue circulation and healing processes, as well as anesthetic reactions, ultimately there can be no guarantee made as to the results or potential complications. The following complications have been reported in the medical literature. This list is not meant to be inclusive of every possible complication. They are listed here for your information only, not to frighten you, but to make you aware and more knowledgeable concerning this surgical procedure.

1. Failure to resolve the snoring. Most surgeons feel that about 85% of patients who undergo a LAUP will have a significant or complete resolution in their snoring; and an additional percentage of patients will notice reduced levels of snoring such that their sleep partners will report that it's level is no longer offensive.

2. Failure to cure sleep apnea or other pathological sleep disorders. Pathological sleep disorders, like sleep apnea, are medical problems which may have associated serious complications. At this time, the LAUP procedure has not been proven to cure these disorders.

3. Bleeding. In very rare situations, a need for blood products or a blood transfusion. You have the right, should you choose, to have autologous or designated donor directed blood pre-arranged. You are encouraged to consult with your doctor if you are interested.

4. Nasal regurgitation, a change in voice, or velopharyngeal insufficiency when liquids may flow into the nasal cavity during swallowing (rare).

5. Failure to resolve coexisting sinus, tonsil, or nasal problems.

6. Need for revision, or further and more aggressive surgery.

7. Prolonged pain, impaired healing, and the need for hospitalization

Autor: Dr. D.S. Merchant

Acnezine and

Added: January 1, 2009