After Fadia (2002), we all need to sleep and rest restorative Here are some good sleep hygiene tips, in order to sleep, you will need.
Set a schedule: Go to bed at the same time every night and wake up at the same time every morning. Disturb your sleep schedule can cause sleep disturbances and difficulty unable to sleep regularity. For example, sleeping in on weekends will sleep cycle and makes it harder to wake up to your desired time on Monday morning.
Exercise: Try to exercise 20 to 30 minutes per day. To use exercise will benefit you sleep, exercise 5-6 hours before bedtime. This will optimize your sleep cycle. Even if you do not want to exercise close to bedtime, because it can sleep.
Avoid caffeine, nicotine and alcohol: Avoid beverages containing caffeine, because it is a stimulant and keeps people awake. It is important to know what foods and drinks containing caffeine. They are: chocolate, soft drinks, coffee, herbal teas and not. Also drugs and nutritional nodoze contain caffeine and some painkillers. Users like nicotine smokers and chewers sleep easier than non-users, and waking up in the early morning hours of nicotine withdrawal. They sleep usually lighter stages of sleep and not in deep sleep. The same goes for alcohol. Alcohol robs people of the deeper stages of sleep and REM sleep. So they remain in the lighter stages of sleep. The result is not restorative sleep.
Relax before bedtime: in a bedtime ritual. For example, read something relaxing or a warm bath. A warm bath about 45 minutes before bedtime can easily fall asleep, because it cools the body prepares for sleep.
Wake up with the morning sun: Waking up in the morning and let the sun for over an hour per day. This will contribute to the body of the biological clock and help you sleep at night.
Do not Lie in Bed Awake: If you find that you do not sleep, get up and something else. Perhaps read or listen to relaxing music, then try to sleep. Try to avoid TV, as the light from the TV may cause you to remain awake. Our beds are for sleep and sex only. Make your bedroom a place of rest and relaxation.
the room: to a comfortable temperature in the bedroom. Extreme temperatures can disrupt sleep.
a doctor if sleep problem: If you are still unable to ensure a good night and sleep when you are tired during the day, then you have a sleep disorder and should be sleeping specialist. Talk to your doctor! There are treatments for a variety of sleep disorders. Do not allow your sleep, with your life. Poor sleep can affect your work and your personal relationships. They deserve the best. Call your doctor.
Fadia, V. (2002). insomnia, sleep apnea, narcolepsy. Homestead Schools, Inc: California
Barry Aneda is a National Certified Counselor and a Licensed Associate Counselor working with our GLBTQ community in the field of Addictions and HIV/AIDS.
For more information you can reach him at Then, in order to visit his virtual office, simply click the link titled Visit My Virtual office.
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