Snoring is the vibration of respiratory structures and the resulting sound, due to obstructed air movement during breathing while sleeping. The sound may be soft or loud and unpleasant. Snoring is known to cause sleep deprivation to both the snorer and those who hear him/her, as well as knock-on effects: daytime drowsiness, irritability, lack of focus, decreased libido. It has also been suggested that it can cause significant psychological and social damage to sufferers.
Sleep apnoea is a condition that interrupts your breathing when you are asleep. This is usually caused by an obstruction blocking the back of the throat so that the air cannot reach your lungs. The cessation of breathing automatically forces you to wake up in order to start breathing again. This can happen many times during the night, making it hard for your body to get enough oxygen, and preventing you from obtaining enough good quality sleep.

Saturday, May 31, 2008

The Power of Napping - Increased Productivity & Vibrant Health

How much sleep do you need?

Our body needs 7-8 hours of sleep per day; Imagine 6 hours or less triple your risk of a car accident. Also be aware of the risk and try to sleep enough, snuggling under a top-quality Siberian goose-down duvet ..
consequences of the lack of sleep, sleep is cumulative; lose if you sleep one day, you will feel it the next. If you lack sufficient sleep for several days, you will begin to jeopardize your health and your performance decline in these specific areas:

1. Response time

2 Judgement

3 Vision

4 Information Processing

5th Short-term memory

6th Performance

9th Patience

Benefits a power nap

How it would sound to you that it's much better to nap 20 minutes in the afternoon than in the morning? Our body seems to be for them because most people naturally become more tired in the afternoon, about 8 hours after they wake up.

So how long should we sleep? The sleep cycle consists of several stages that you go through when you sleep. These phases include light sleep, deep sleep and rapid eye movement sleep.

Many Experts point out that a nap of 15 to 30 minutes is enough, more than sleeping bag brings you into deeper stages of sleep, which is much more difficult to wake up . Even more naps can make it more difficult to fall asleep at night. But research has shown that one hour nap has much more effect than remedial measures a 30-minute nap, including the much graere improve the cognitive functioning.

Tips for a more effective nap

If you want more sleep, and the health benefits that go with him, look at these tips for a more effective napping and sleep in the night:

� Avoid caffeine after 3pm. It is a stimulant, which disturb your sleep.

� If you do not want to nap for a long time, set an alarm.

� If you do not have time for a power NAP or not feel comfortable napping during the day, try meditation, it gives your body a break and produced slower brain waves similar sleep.

Only you know, as you want Enjoy your wonderful sleep that night. If your eyes and dive deeper into the soft and naturally cool down duvet, you will himself to thank after this advice.

We are more than happy to provide you even more tips and advice for you to enjoy your sleep as much as possible in our great Siberian goose-down duvets - but not forget to contact us!

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Friday, May 30, 2008

How to Stop Snoring Within a Week

While we are breathing, air flows into and out in a constant stream of our nose or mouth to our lungs. There are quite a few sounds, if we are sitting and respiratory protection system runs quietly. If we exercise, the air moves faster and produces some sounds, as we breathe. When we sleep, the section on the back of the throat constricted. The same amount of air adopted by the smaller opening, the motives of the surrounding tissue opening vibrate, which in turn can lead to the sounds of snoring. Different people who snore may be many reasons for the narrowing of the area on the back of the throat. The narrowing in the nose, mouth or throat.

Snoring can occur during all or only a certain stage of sleep for some people. Snoring is most often in rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, when the loss of muscle tension, the most characteristic pronouns. As the muscles throughout the body is relaxed throat muscles also very relaxed, cause the tissue masses in the throat area vibrate cause the annoying noise can we call snoring.

The most important thing in your snoring cure is to your Muscle tone in the throat region and dense, so that when you sleep and they will have to relax some tensions and strength prevent the muscles in the throat not only on its own Droopy and floppy disk drive. To these muscles and dense, there are specific exercises to recondition the muscles. Once a person begins the exercises you can see the improvement in their sleep and their sleeping partner sleeping with a day or two.

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Thursday, May 22, 2008

Sleep Apnea And Insomnia Sufferers Should Seek Help Urgently

Sleeplessness and sleep disorders are not only inconvenience and they are certainly not for health problems taken lightly!

There many instance of death directly related to sleep and falling alseep while driving is only a possibility that the death may arise. Many patients die in their sleep of heart failure are the victims of sleep apnea.

The constant stress of insomnia and the tendency of falling asleep at inappropriate places and times inappropriate is so strong that chronic depression often experienced. This can lead to loss of job, and sometimes the family.

When it is inappropriate to fall asleep?

When You are a friend to the house and you fall asleep, while a cup of coffee. Coffee spilled all over you that does not matter, but also about the new friend knows carpet.

While survey of a client and you find it strange looks, and you do not remember the last seconds. That is inappropriate!

I have suffered from sleep for forty years, although I did not know what it was. My father had insomnia so I thought it only natural that I suffer too. In my first years it was not so bad and I with her. It did not stop me from achieving one of the goals I had set.

I certainly do not believe there was such a problem that I needed to see a doctor for him. That would be a bit spooky!

When things progress on the stage I could not work without a computer every minute asleep and jerking me awake, my wife insisted I something.

The crunch came when she found me with my face on the keyboard and I do not seem to breathe . They thought I was dead. Not only dead asleep.!

Why I'm talking about sleep and insomnia in the same time? Because they go together. I would obviously lay awake all night and have a compulsion to fall asleep during the day.

I lost my business, most of my money, and very close to my wife!

Yet for patients with sleep and insomnia, there are various treatments that work, or at least alleviate the problem. Women suffer sometimes, but the majority of sufferers are men.

Men - stop trying to Macho! Get the treatment before it is too late!

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Saturday, May 17, 2008

What's Your Sleep Status?

Sleep serves a vital function in our lives, and in view of the need, it is right up there with a breathable and moisture. Some people do not need much sleep and can get by on three or four hours per night. Others need a lot more and are cranky to something infinitely less than 10 hours. The much touted ideal is 8 hours of sleep per night, but as we all know, it is quite difficult to achieve, at least with each consistency.

Many people currently live simply tired all the time, they accept it as the natural state of things and the not do anything about it. Sleep deprivation is indeed as sleep disorders and may cause long-term damage to your general health. The U.S. Centre for Disease Control defined as sleep deprivation always less than 7 to 8 hours of sleep per night for several nights in a row. With this definition, I would say that the majority of people on this planet suffer from sleep disorders deprivation.

Insomnia is the most common form of sleep deprivation. It can be divided into two categories: primary and secondary insomnia.

Primary insomnia is defined as having poor quality or lack of sleep and difficulty falling asleep, waking frequently during the night and it is hard, back to sleep if you have woken up , Waking up too early, and ebermaige fatigue immediately after waking.Secondary insomnia is a basic biological or psychological disorders, including difficulties falling and staying asleep, and fatigue in waking.

We 're probably all know the abrasive, burning Eyes and irritability, accompanied lack of sleep. Our concentration goes out the window, together with our co-ordination. Many people think twice about driving while under the influence of alcohol, which produces similar side effects, but slightly increase in their cars and go to several nights of broken sleep behind them. The Centre for Disease Control has statistical evidence proves that the connection between sleep deprivation and car accidents. It's one thing to risk your life while you're tired and not thinking correctly, but it is another thing entirely to risk the lives of others.

Other conditions can be worsened or by lack of sleep include heart disease, respiratory disorders and a variety of mental illnesses, particularly anxiety and depression.

What can you do if you suffer sleep deprivation? The first thing would be to visit your doctor. Your doctor can give a rough form of diagnosis and, where appropriate, refer you to a sleep specialist. Sometimes it can be cured with a round of prescription sleeping pills, sometimes the herbal equivalent just as effective. Sometimes it as simple as cutting caffeine from your diet, or a yoga course. Some people swear by homeopathy or acupuncture.

You may have to try all these methods and more before you find something that works for you . It is important not give up. Easy to say, if you are not two steps away from something bad to your neighbors dog, you regularly informed throughout the night with his constant barking. But if you work closely with trusted medical professionals, you will finally see some light at the end of the dark, sleepless tunnel.

Recommended websites:

http: //

http: // /od /insomniaglossary /g /Sec_Insom . htm

http: //

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Thursday, May 15, 2008

Sleep Apnea Treatment

Sleep disorders are usually known for the fact that it is often a personal type of treatment, which means that all the details of the condition are significant in the search for the right way to improve the health status. So, sleep apnea treatment is no exception to this rule, especially since each diagnosis is based on the medical history of the patient, the minutes physics examination and the results of advanced tests meant to identify the causes and severity of affection. The sleep apnea treatment based on oxygen administration as well as popular and controversial in the same time.

On the one hand, there were patients who responded very well to the oxygen-based sleep apnea treatment, but on the other, specific conditions and characteristics have the overall result of intervention impossible to predict. Personal reaction differs from one case to another, so even after a particular course of medical action has been established, the efficiency of the chosen treatment must be carefully monitored. A form of sleep apnea treatment includes behavior therapy so that patients are recommended to avoid consuming alcohol, smoking or sleeping pills, since these substances cause the airway to collapse during sleep.

For overweight people who have sleep apnea treatment, based on behavior Therapy requires a weight loss of at least ten percent. Studies have shown that at a weight closer to the average value decreases significantly the number of apneic episodes per hour. In addition, for such cases encourages the people, anatomically designed cushion with which they assume that a comfortable posture side during sleep. The success of the therapy is remarkable in the level of morning freshness and the general feeling of well-being, which usually results from the good night's sleep. Experts say that behavioral therapy is effective in superficial to moderate sleep apnea cases, as the more advanced conditions require intensive medical treatment care.

The effective sleep has shown that the major results in the most serious conditions, the nasal continuous positive airway pressure or CPAP. The procedure requires the use of a mask through the air is forced into the airways and lungs, so that apnea episodes prevented. The air pressure is on a level that prevents the collapse of the throat muscles during sleep, so if you sleep to such a treatment, it is good to examine the continuity and consistency of air pressure before the actual purchase device.

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Tuesday, May 13, 2008

The Importance of Choosing Quality Latex

Latex mattresses have been the rage on the Internet of late and, of course, can vary greatly in price. During the height of the mattress and the quality of cover are important details in the purchase of a latex mattress, the most important consideration is the source of latex. Latex can be used as a mixture of synthetic and natural latex, or as any natural latex.

Latex by two different methods, the Dunlop process and the Talalay process, and process can produce either natural or blended latex latex. Adding to the confusion about the prevalence of latex mattresses and suppliers to use the concept of natural latex latex for those few percent of natural latex. Similarly confusing is the term 100% natural latex, as all latex contains a number of residual proteins, soap and zinc, and most can be over 97% natural latex.

The most important consideration is the real source of latex used for your mattress, and then the determination of the natural or blended latex. All natural latex mattresses have been very popular for consumers, try to create a bedroom free of plastics and chemicals. However, blended latex may be more durable than all natural and certainly has all the advantages that offers a premium latex sleep surface. Given the durability and extended warranties offered latex mattresses, it is worth the cost of the purchase latex that you are safe, latex comes from established manufacturers such as Latex International, Dunlopillo, latex Green and others. Avoid latex indeterminate origin, since it is very difficult to determine the quality of the manufacturer of latex, latex not handle the high volume of more established companies.

A latex mattress is an investment in the quality of life for you and your family and is not unusual for a high-quality latex mattress to survive even two or three conventional innerspring mattresses. The value of the sleeping comfort in connection with latex mattress covers in all your waking hours in the form of revitalized energy for work, play and relationships. The quality of the latex used in your mattress, whether it is a latex mixture or natural latex, determines the quality of your investment.

So when you start the process of buying a latex mattress, start by first determining the Origin of the latex and its composition. You will probably have decided already, if you have a natural latex mattress, usually with an organic cover, or a mattress with blended latex. Both offer excellent weight distribution and alleviating pressure points have made that such a popular latex sleeping bag surface. If you make your online purchase, make sure you have the opportunity to discuss the details of the latex with a knowledgeable seller. While some bargains might be available in the quality of latex, make sure you confidence in the manufacturer of the latex that you are purchasing. There are no shortcuts in the production of latex, Talalay is an expensive process as Dunlop, because two additional steps in the processing, and all natural latex is more expensive to produce than blended latex. Consistency in the manufacture of latex will assure you that the ILD numbers for the latex is accurate and that the latex is uniform in its ILD. Gleichmaigkeit is particularly true for the Talalay process as the extra steps involved in its manufacture are more specific to gleichmaig distribute latex.

Careful research on the quality of latex mattress in which you intend to buy will continue to pay Dividends in the comfort and durability of your new mattress for the coming years. Verify that the manufacturer, whether the latex is mixed or all natural latex and avoid bargains and buy the perfect mattress for the unsurpassed comfort of a latex sleep surface.

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Monday, May 12, 2008

How To Cure Insomnia - Insomnia Tips

After not to sleep for a few nights, you can frightened and worried that you will not sleep again, which could prevent the occurrence of natural sleep - this is called fear insomnia. An important step on the way to fear, insomnia or anxiety treatment may be to accept that coping with its effects, making the fear of not sleep. It would then build upon with Behavioral therapy.

Normal food or behaviour can be regarded as obstacles to sleep: caffeine and other chemical stimulants. Stress and anxiety at work, to watch exciting TV programs (horror films, for example), reading novels really exciting in bed all can hamper sleep. They should be based on the elimination of barriers for each instance sleep.

For you should not consume caffeinated coffee as a drink after about 1pm - try to drink decaffeinated coffee, at least after lunch. They should not consume alcohol within two hours go to bed, although how can they begin to inhibit sleepy can sleep when you wake up in the middle of the night.

There are three main areas in which you promote sleep:
  • Sleep environment - to ensure that your bed is comfortable and the bedroom is quiet, dark and not too hot or too cold comfortable sleeping
  • Sleep discipline - with your bed only for sleeping (and sex), not for television and study , Playing video games, etc.
  • Sleep Conditioning - Establish a routine, go to bed, and is at the same time
You can not sleep and force two things that often lead to problems, are worried that you not to sleep, or is not enough sleep and your spirit is also active. You must be relaxed before sleep comes, and that can not be forced, either. Warm drinks, hot baths and other relaxation techniques can help with relaxation.

The results of the behavioral therapy to take effect May slowly, but in the long term - the creation of good habits, you are less vulnerable to insomnia.

insomnia and sleeping pills

Drugs may be, to astonishing insomnia relief compared to behavioral therapy, but their results are short and they often have other side effects.


Regular exercise can help, stress control and dismantling the day after work to distance you from work problems. When this is done in the evening it helps relax the body while preparing for a later sleep ... Note that you should not exercise just before bedtime, because it can energy you immediately afterwards!

A hot drinks, milk and soy products, eggs, rice, cereals, as well as high-carbohydrate foods such as bread or crackers can all aid relaxation before bed.

If They are hard to find a warm bath relaxation can help - but not to stay too long or through the water too hot!

For mental and physical stress and tension, try relaxation or meditation techniques. Once a good sleep rhythm is established, then you no longer need, albeit with established practice, they are effective. If you are sceptical only treat it as fun - something to do while you are awake anyway.

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Friday, May 9, 2008

Snore Tests - Identify The Cause Of Your Snoring

Do these simple tests, find what kind of snorer you are and discover appropriate treatments approved by the UK's leading authority the British Snoring & Sleep Apnoea Association.
  • Nose Test

Looking in a mirror, press the side of one nostril to close it. With your mouth closed, breathe in through your other nostril. If the nostril tends to collapse, try propping it open with the clean end of a matchstick. If breathing is easier with the nostril propped open, nasal dilators may solve your snoring problem. Test both nostrils.
Now, with your mouth closed, try breathing in through your nose. If you cannot breathe well through your nose you may be suffering from nasal stuffiness caused by allergy. You may wish to consider the following causes: Feather pillows & bedding, pet hair, house dust mite, allergic rhinitis, seasonal allergies, perfumes & body sprays, household cleansers such as bleach.
  • Mouth Breathing Test

Open your mouth and make a snoring noise. Now close your mouth and try to make the same noise. If you can only snore with your mouth open then you are a 'mouth breather'.
  • Multifactoral Snoring

You may find that you fit into more than one of these snoring categories. In which case your snoring is probably originating from several areas. For example, you may suffer from both palatal flutter and tongue base snoring.
  • Tongue Test

Stick your tongue out as far as it will go and grip it between your teeth. Now try to make a snoring noise. If the snoring noise is reduced with your tongue in this forward position then you are probably what is known as a 'tongue base snorer'. The most appropriate control for this type of snoring is a Mandibular Advancement Device.
  • Palatal Flutter

If none of these tests has helped it is possible that your soft palate is vibrating. 'Palatal flutter' is the vibration of the soft palate and uvula. This is often the cause in patients who are of normal weight.
  • Body Mass Index (BMI Test)

If you think you are overweight, find out by checking your Body Mass Index (BMI). You can do this by dividing your weight (kg) by your height² (m).

If your BMI is greater than 25 you are overweight. If your BMI is greater than 30 you are obese. In both instances you need to lose weight not only to help stop snoring, but to prevent other diseases associated with obesity.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Snoring Remedies That Won't Break Your Piggy Bank

Snoring remedies come in many different packages, ranging from the complex (surgery) to the more mundane (breathing exercises). Reading through the Internet to solve can be frustrating, to say nothing of overwhelming. With so many demands and cures, as you know, what remedies might be best for you?

Easy snoring remedies

You can basically divide remedies for snoring in three sub-groups. These groups are folk remedies, trade remedies and surgical measures. Home and folk remedies snoring focus on the alleviation of the nasal mucous blockades with posture or vegetable solutions.

Place a few drops of mint or eucalyptus oil in an evaporator with water. Breathing the steam produced for this 5 to 15 minutes before bedtime. This solution will help reduce the nasal mucous congestion

In recent years, herbal remedies were thrown at the forefront of pop culture. This is good because people are now making their health a priority. However, there were some unrealistic demands in terms of herbal and folk medicine. Me and many others have been witness to the effectiveness of herbal and folk medicine, but note herbal remedies may take several hours or days to really effective.

Change your sleeping bag position

Most snoring actually happens in the throat at first . During sleep, jaws and slackens the tongue, uvula, tonsils and May rub against one another. The friction creates a vibration, we hear how the snoring. This problem is even worse by sleep on their backs. To turn your sleeping position, and try to sleep on your side. It may take a while to readjust.

If you are still sleeping on their backs, you can either sew a tennis ball in your shirt or pajamas (this is an old folk remedies that may sound strange, but it is still effective) or try to increase Your bed a few centimeters. To do this, simply a thick phone book or rolled up under the ceiling of your head mattress.

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Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Insomnia, Sleep Deprivation, Is It A Choice?

You're not alone, if you have not had a good sleep last time there was a growing trend towards insomnia. Did you know that the DC-based National Sleep Foundation found that 70 million Americans have sleep problems and 2 /3 of us do not get enough sleep. So, what can we do to get some rest? Should we just our fatigue and write them on the prices to be alive in today's world? How about the insomnia? If you listen to the pharmaceutical company promotional ads (for something that always ends in x), just about everyone in this country has insomnia: A night lie awake with fear and ad tells you "You may have insomnia. " Have we? Do you?

sleep deprived - the choice

The In fact, some people suffer from sleep deprivation due to the poor choice they make when it comes to sleep hygiene. For example, if you do not show up to your bed ready to sleep until 2 clock and your alarm clock goes off at 6:30, you have slept and only 4 � hours. Not nearly enough. And beverage that16 oz cup of coffee at 10 clock, another idea.

But bad, what about those who suffer from the inability to sleep? We know that there is a correlation between our psychological fear (worry and anxiety) and a lack of sleep, this makes it difficult for a person either asleep or stay asleep. Physical pain and health problems can also disrupt sleep. What is with the generally accepted belief that as we age our ability to sleep through the night worse?

Well this myth was debunked by sleep researchers "found after the question" What happens to sleep pattern, if people are healthy old, "that not much changes. Variables that disturbs sleep and make it difficult to maintain solid sleep for older people often result from health conditions such as sleep apnea, restless legs syndrome and urinary tract problems. This may also lead to a partner kept awake too.

What can you do to have some sleep?

As already mentioned, some people are not sufficient or bad night's sleep. If you think you are too late, you may be driving past you tired to the point of being wired. If you think you can not sleep before Midnight, try to go to bed a little earlier with a book in his hand and a cup of herbal tea, instead of watching TV or trying to work late.

How is your bed? is probably

You've the rule that your bed should be used for nothing other than sleep. It should not be used for a dining table, a work area, etc, if sleep is an issue for you.

What on the bed itself? Is your old mattress with depression or lumps? Is it too small for two people? If you suffer from allergies, you should explore the purchase of a mattress as hypo allergenic latex. Or if either you or your partner suffer from acid reflux (GERD), sleeping with the head is raised it helps to have a decent night's sleep. Memory foam is another great choice, especially if you sleep with someone, is restless or frequently in and out of bed at night, when the mattress is not transferred motion.

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Thursday, May 1, 2008

Causes of Snoring

An an estimated 45% of the population snores at least occasionally, and life goes on normally. But snoring can cause great distress bed for the partners of snoring, which up to 80% of couples until the end sleeping in different rooms. This is not a recipe for a good marriage or relationship.

Some of the causes of snoring are as follows:

As you doze off and progress from a lighter sleep, a deep sleep, the muscles in the roof of your mouth (soft palate), tongue and throat relax. The result is that snoring sound.

Snoring also contribute to sleep apnea, a serious disease in which the breathing is temporarily interrupted while you sleep. In some serious cases can lead to death.

In 20% of all chronic snoring 25% of all children are preadolescent chronic snoring, and most of them have some form of sleep disorder apnea.

Snoring causes sleep disturbances lead to increased anxiety, hyperirritability, fell memory and poor concentration.

Snoring causes both the snorer and their families to suffer sleep deprivation. This has dangerous side effects such as dozing off in the day during the trip due to lack sleep.

Another prominent cause of snoring is smoking as smokers tend to get more mucus in their throats as nonsmokers.

Alcohol, sedatives, antihistamines and sleeping pills were associated with snoring Because they press the central nervous system and make your tongue and throat muscles to lose, and relaxed.

The most common causes for this condition is also not the tongue in the free flow of air into the lungs, narrow nasal passages, smoking and obesity .

If you suffer from any of the above causes of snoring, and it seems to be that your personal and family life, then it might be time for the analysis of causes and seek help from either a professional or healthcare a proven remedy such as surgery or medications.

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