Sleep disorders affect about 30 percent of children develop normally and up to 80 percent of people with special needs. There is an increasing amount of evidence to suggest that many children, particularly those with special needs, not outgrow sleep problems. In fact, in many cases it later in childhood, youth and adulthood. Despite relatively frequent sleep problems, the impact on the individual and family is often heavily underestimated.
Common types of sleep disorders in infants and children include:- Bedtime Refusal
Resistance, protests, despite reactions, delaying tactics before bedtime
- Delayed Sleep Onset
Prolonged period (usually longer than 15 minutes) between the children in bed /bed and fall asleep.
- frequent and prolonged Night Waking
Waking during the night and at the signalling parents and /or not in a position to govern alone again.
- Waking
Waking early morning, before an acceptable but realistic time for the parents of the results on the child always insufficient sleep at night.
- > Co-Sleeping
Child sleeping bag with parents, if they viewed as problematic by the parent company.
- Night Terrors
When the child wakes, distressed and apparently is unable to be comforted. The child can not usually remember the event in the morning, but the horrors are very stressful for parents.
- Nightmares
Frightening or distressing dreams on a continuous basis.
There are many factors that cause or contribute to whether a child's sleep problems and experiences to what extent.These factors include:
- Child temperament
- Parental perception /responses
- underlying medical condition
- Developmental Biology /neurological problems
- environmental stressors
adverse effects of sleep disorders are:
- Impaired daytime functioning
- increasing difficulties in behaviour (eg Wutanfelle, non - Compliance)
- Impaired learning
- Marital status discord
- Impaired parenthood ability
- General stress
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