Snoring is the vibration of respiratory structures and the resulting sound, due to obstructed air movement during breathing while sleeping. The sound may be soft or loud and unpleasant. Snoring is known to cause sleep deprivation to both the snorer and those who hear him/her, as well as knock-on effects: daytime drowsiness, irritability, lack of focus, decreased libido. It has also been suggested that it can cause significant psychological and social damage to sufferers.
Sleep apnoea is a condition that interrupts your breathing when you are asleep. This is usually caused by an obstruction blocking the back of the throat so that the air cannot reach your lungs. The cessation of breathing automatically forces you to wake up in order to start breathing again. This can happen many times during the night, making it hard for your body to get enough oxygen, and preventing you from obtaining enough good quality sleep.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Keep Your Children Off Chemical Mattresses

Many traditional mattresses, "Dry mattresses." The increase in the use of chemical fire retardants in many conventional inner-spring mattresses is the result of compliance with the new federal open flame mattress standards. Mattresses are now in a position to resist an open flame directly on the top and after 70 seconds. Mark Strobel, director of People for clean beds organization, says that "the treatment of these mattresses to the blowtorch, open-flame test would require that mattresses be treated with known acutely toxic and carcinogenic chemicals in particular boric acid, also known as Roach killers, as well as antimony, which is a heavy metal almost identical to arsenic. "

Antimony as schwerentflammbar was banned in Europe, where research has shown that it leaches through the vinyl to crib mattresses, and this is linked Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS ). Children and youth-bed mattresses must also pressure under the new Federal Standards. Unfortunately, the chemical fire retardants widely used prior to the new standards were often PBDEs before they were recently banned. PBDEs have also been banned in Europe, research has shown that they bioaccumulate in the body, in the women's breast milk and have been linked to cancer. PDBEs are used because they are the easiest and cheapest way to work with the United States mattress fire resistance codes and were used extensively as schwerentflammbar to petroleum-based foam mattresses, including youth and crib mattresses.

In to happen to the Open - Flame Test, schwerentflammbar chemicals must saturate the mattress ticking in high concentrations, with more than one and a half pounds of chemicals in the ticking of the average Queen inner-spring mattress. Research has shown that these chemicals leach from the mattress and by our bodies in measurable quantities that far exceed the safe numbers determined by the EPA. TV stations to CBS, NBC, ABC and FOX, newspapers and magazines have news about toxic beds, and more will certainly follow.

Fortunately there are solutions that allow you to avoid it yourself or your children to "chemical mattresses." There has been a tremendous increase in popularity of all natural mattresses using organic cotton and wool batting gloves in a variety of configurations. Wool is naturally flame retardant and meets all U.S. fire code requirements. While ticking wool can be used in a conventional inner-spring mattress create a natural mattress without chemical fire retardants, wool batting gloves is most often used with organic cotton as a cover for natural latex mattresses.

A natural latex mattress, with an organic Cotton and wool to cover all of the finest materials from which to build a natural luxury mattress. Natural wool batting gloves are unequalled in its ability to transport moisture and regulate body temperature, while the remaining anti-microbial and resistance against dust mites and odors. If natural wool is all natural latex, you have what many surface as the best possible sleep, known for its durability and Hypo-allergenic qualities. A latex mattress distributes the body weight and relieves pressure points as well or better than memory foam, without concerns about toxic off-gassing of polyurethane foam.

Latex a sustainable resource that is harvested from the rubber tree, was frequently used in mattresses Europe for many years. Europe has a much more cautious approach to concerns about the long-term accumulation and chemical absorption, resulting from the use of chemical fire retardants, and the way the ban toxic chemicals. A latex mattress provides the ideal solution to avoid "chemical mattresses" and the toxic off-gassing, a very big concern for us is a particular concern should all.

Of crib mattress or youth, often with polyurethane foam. These mattresses are often saturated with PBDEs than schwerentflammbar break and will over time into a toxic dust and in the air in the form of gas formaldehyde, which is a by-product of the foam breakdown. Foam mattresses crib will also breakdown as a result of mold or fungus by moisture working its way into the foam. If the crib mattress ticking, conventional, it could be saturated with boric acid and antimony, arsenic is similar to the one from which the Consumer Products Safety Commission (CPSC) admits "The cancer effects are cumulative. Every exposure contributes to the overall risk to life the development of cancer. "

Infants growing very rapidly, especially their lungs and respiratory tract whole system. With research review significant quantities of chemical absorption of toxic off-gassing, error on the side of caution for your crib mattress, as your children spend up to half of their early life on this mattress. A latex mattress, a natural wool mattress pad, offers the perfect toxin-free and moisture proof surface for your child to develop, free from contact with a "chemical mattress."

KC Ennis - Marketing Manager - -

Foamsource, offering innovations in restful sleep since 1985, is a direct manufacturer of latex and memory foam mattresses, toppers and pillows.

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