Snoring is the vibration of respiratory structures and the resulting sound, due to obstructed air movement during breathing while sleeping. The sound may be soft or loud and unpleasant. Snoring is known to cause sleep deprivation to both the snorer and those who hear him/her, as well as knock-on effects: daytime drowsiness, irritability, lack of focus, decreased libido. It has also been suggested that it can cause significant psychological and social damage to sufferers.
Sleep apnoea is a condition that interrupts your breathing when you are asleep. This is usually caused by an obstruction blocking the back of the throat so that the air cannot reach your lungs. The cessation of breathing automatically forces you to wake up in order to start breathing again. This can happen many times during the night, making it hard for your body to get enough oxygen, and preventing you from obtaining enough good quality sleep.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Stop Snoring, Start Sleeping

Are you tired of snoring? Has your snoring gotten so bad that your significant other is sleeping in another room? We heard in the news this past month about Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes and about how they sleep in separate bedrooms because of Tom"s snoring problem. We also got to hear about Barack Obama the 2008 presidential candidate and his problem at home with snoring.

For the first time snoring has finally made it into the major news, I hear more and more about it everyday. New homebuilders are getting requests for double master suites, the obesity rates in the U.S. are climbing, and our figureheads are snoring. We as a society need to realize that snoring is not just the punch line of a joke or cartoon anymore. Snoring has become an epidemic that is attacking our society and family lives. It affects over 25% of the world"s population and yet research into stopping snoring is nowhere to be found.

What are our options now to stop snoring; Archaic surgery that mounts a screw into your jaw bone and connects it through your tongue, weird chin straps that wrap around your head to keep your mouth closed, bulky gas mask looking devices that use a oxygen tank, and heavy wrist watch things that actually electrocute you while your sleeping. With options like these it"s surprising that someone hasn"t recommended we bleed our selves with leeches.

What we need is to educate our selves and the public with real ways to stop snoring. Things as simple as being over weight, alcohol consumption before bed, and an unhealthy diet can cause snoring. If you really want to permanently stop snoring your best solution is a life style change.

I wont tell you that you need to drink 8 glasses of water a day or eat 9 fruits a day. The people that come up with these things are out of their minds. Make it easy on your self; you know what"s horrible for your body and what"s not. Instead of the triple cheeseburger have a salad. Start to exercise regularly get a gym member ship or just walk around the block a few times. I am by no means a health nut and I hardly follow these guide lines my self but if you really want to stop snoring then you need to hunker down and do things right. We have all heard stories of marriages ending and families having problems due to snoring. Do you really want you marriage to be ruined just because you couldn"t diet and exercise?

Of course this approach is hardly instant, to help you along the way to stop snoring for good you might want to try a few things.

- Sleep on your side: sleeping on your side helps keep your breathing passage open and helps stop snoring.

- Do not drink alcohol before bed: If your throat is dry your chances of snoring are far greater. "Dry Mouth" is caused by the alcohol evaporating leaving your throat dry making you more liable to snore. If you must drink or just want to, have a glass of water before bed it will help.

- You can also use a product designed to help stop snoring. Products are abundant and come in all shapes in sizes. I want to personally recommend a product called SnorEnz. It"s an easy to use spray and best of all its alcohol free. You need to avoid products that have alcohol in them! Make sure to check the labels.

If you stay on course and diet and exercise you WILL stop snoring for good. Only 25% of people snore, there is a reason why the other 75% are sore free. Its time you made a change in your life. Don"t expect someone to come up with some wonder cure for you. You can stop snoring, stop wasting your money on worthless products and gimmicks. In one month you could be snore free.

Autor: Grant Wolz

If you're looking for a product to help you on way to stop snoring I recommend SnorEnz. It can be found at

Added: July 22, 2008